V-Key Smart Soft Token

Provides APIs for OTP, PKI & FIDO2 standard based authentication protocols

Multi-layered advance mobile security protections

Supports symmetric & asymmetric cryptography standards

Provision multiple tokens within a single app

Available as an easily integrable SDK or as standalone app

Work on cloud or on-premisies

Integrable with 3rd party authentication servers

Minimal memory footprint and resource requirement on device
What Is V-Key Smart Token or Authenticator ?
The V-OS Smart Soft Token is a versatile and highly secure second-factor authentication and authorization solution for mobile devices. It is a flexible and cost-effective alternative to traditional hardware one-time password (OTP) tokens and OTP-generated SMS messages.
As Secure As Hard Token
V-OS Smart Soft Tokens are the most secure software tokens available. They use advanced cryptographic and cybersecurity protection to comply with global standards while providing a unique identity for the user. They are safeguarded against phishing and other social engineering attacks and work without internet access.
One Authenticator For All
The V-OS Mobile Smart Token Family
V-OS Smart OTP Token
The V-OS Smart OTP token simplifies 2FA and MFA authentication by turning your device into a One Time Password generator, even when offline. It's a simple solution for VPN and limited application access.
V-OS Smart PKI Token
The V-OS Smart PKI Token securely stores digital certificates and private keys using public key cryptography for authentication. These certificates offer strong identity verification and work with various devices and functions such as secure messaging and document signing.
V-OS Smart FIDO2 Token
The V-OS Smart FIDO2 Token is highly secure and uses FIDO specifications for public key cryptography. It is commonly used by large enterprises for employee and customer authentication with mixed hardware and software-based tokens.

V-OS Virtual Secure Element
At the heart of V-Key’s solutions is V-OS, the world’s first Virtual Secure Element to be FIPS 140-2 (US NIST), achieve FIDO security targets, and be Common Criteria EAL3+ certified. It has also been accredited by the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA). V-OS creates an isolated virtual environment within mobile applications to safely store cryptographic keys and other important information.
V-Key Smart Authenticator
The V-Key Smart Authenticator provides a strong and flexible, yet less expensive MFA solution using a fully customisable, one-touch passwordless mobile authenticator that is ideal for small and medium sized businesses. It can be used with built-in face biometrics for even more convenient access.