Celestix is strongly committed to providing best-of-breed security appliances and services. Due to technology innovation and development driving changes in the products, Celestix will periodically announce End-of-Sale and End-of-Life lifecycle milestone information along with migration recommendations for our valued customers.

Once an End-of-Sale date is announced, you may continue to order products from your authorized Celestix reseller partner while limited stock is available. Customers with active Celestix support contracts will receive continued technical and limited software support until the End-of-Life.

Product Lifecycle Milestones

Celestix has announced lifecycle milestones for the products listed below. Migration options are indicated and updated on a periodic basis.

Lifecycle Milestone Definition
End-of-Sale Date: Last date for Celestix distribution partners to purchase specific products directly from Celestix.
End-of-Life: Conclusion of development and support for defined End-of-Sale products and subscriptions.
Replacement Product: Recommended product replacements.
Models Appliance
End of Sale
End of Life
Security Software Replacement
MSA 1500i
MSA 3200i
MSA 4200i
Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
15 Sept 15 10 Jan 20 Microsoft TMG 2010
Standard Edition
Celestix EdgeNexus ADC*
MSA 3200b
MSA 4200b
Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
16 Sept 15 11 Jan 20 Microsoft TMG 2010
Enterprise Branch Edition
Celestix EdgeNexus ADC*
MSA 5200i Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
17 Sept 15 12 Jan 20 Microsoft TMG 2010
Standard Edition
Celestix EdgeNexus ADC*
MSA 6200i Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
18 Sept 15 13 Jan 20 Microsoft TMG 2010
Standard Edition
Celestix EdgeNexus ADC*
MSA 5200e Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
20 Sept 15 10 Jan 20 Microsoft TMG 2010
Enterprise Edition
Celestix EdgeNexus ADC*
MSA 6200e
MSA 6200b
Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
21 Sept 15 11 Jan 20 Microsoft TMG 2010
Enterprise Edition
Celestix EdgeNexus ADC**
WSA 3200
WSA 4200
Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
15 Sept 18 12 Jan 23 Microsoft UAG 2010 E3600*
WSA 6200 Serial numbers
start with
(12 digits)
16 Sept 18 13 Jan 23 Microsoft UAG 2010 E6600*
WSA 8200 Serial numbers
start with
016-XXXXXXXXX (12 digits)
15 Sept 18 10 Jan 23 Microsoft UAG 2010 E8600*
BMC 3500
BMC 3750
Serial numbers
start with 013-XXXXXXXXX
(12 digits)
15 May 10 15 May 20 BMC Patch Manager

* Please contact us at 510.668.0700 or [email protected] for more information. 

Celestix End-of-Life Policy Guidelines

  • Celestix will provide End-of-Sale announcements to direct partners per agreements.
  • The End-of-Life date will generally occur up to three (3) years after the End-of-Sale date unless it is extended and announced by Celestix.
  • Prior to the End-of-Life date, Celestix may provide at its unilateral discretion, software releases, patches, and/or hot fixes.
  • For third party operating system and software products that were shipped with the product, Celestix will provide support until the EOL date or when the provider of the software ceases support, whichever date is earlier.
  • Warranty support will generally continue to be available up to the EOL date. Extended support will general continue to be available up to 6 months prior to the EOL date.
  • Celestix may elect to cease offering support for a specific product before the end of the three (3) years. If this occurs, Celestix will announce its plan at least three (3) months in advance.
  • Customers with contractual support commitments from Celestix will continue to receive hardware and software support beyond the EOL date till the expiry date of their support contract.
  • For customers with special support requirement beyond the EOL date, please contact Celestix.
  • Return Materials Authorization (RMA) will be available until the EOL date or later if the product is covered by a valid warranty support.