Secure Access. Anything from Anywhere
Empower Your Remote Workforce to seamlessly connect and work from anywhere without compromising on security
The shift to the cloud is on the rise, and employees, partners, contractors and outsourced workforces are increasingly working remotely from multiple locations using personal devices. Current security setups are not adequate secure enterprises in the new normal.
VPNs allow broad access to the network. Once compromised, VPN allows lateral movement attacks leading to massive exposure. It doesn’t monitor abnormal activity to detect potential breaches.
Due to increase in remote work culture, most of the employees & contractors are unaware of risks in mixing business & personal passwords due to old habits. Once compromised, the passwords get dumped online, allowing attackers to access corporate accounts.
Lack of visibility of the user activities and monitoring of BYOD devices creates an area of darkness for the management. Poor user experience fails to cater to the needs of employees, a flawed interface can be vulnerable to user privacy and security.
Reduce exposed attack surface with InstaSafe’s Zero Trust Approach, and secure your digital assets easily.
Every user and device has a unique identity that is verified and authenticated for every access request.
Allow access to only those applications that employees need on a daily basis with granular level access control.
Secure data & workloads by granting access for authorized users to perform appropriate tasks, and not allowing unauthorized users to access restricted data.
Use Advanced Features like Screen Recording and Blocking Copy Paste of Sensitive Data.
Audit any suspicious activity on your public, private or hybrid cloud infrastructure.
Manage complete access control using the least privilege access model & prevent data leaks.
Reduction in visible attack surface by following least privilege access based evaluation and real-time authorization.
Every user and device has a unique identity that is verified and authenticated for every access request.
Allow access to only those applications that employees need on a daily basis with granular level access control.
Celestix Networks, Inc.
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