What are FIDO and FIDO2 standards?

FIDO (Fast Identity Online) is an open industry consortium that aims to develop and promote authentication standards to enhance online security and privacy. FIDO Alliance, the organization behind FIDO, consists of various technology companies, including Microsoft, Google, and PayPal.

FIDO standards are designed to address the limitations of traditional password-based authentication methods by introducing stronger and more secure authentication mechanisms. The two main FIDO standards are FIDO UAF (Universal Authentication Framework) and FIDO2.

1. FIDO UAF: FIDO UAF is the first FIDO standard and focuses on passwordless authentication. It enables users to authenticate to online services using biometrics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition) or other local authentication methods, eliminating the need for passwords. FIDO UAF relies on public-key cryptography to securely authenticate users.

2. FIDO2: FIDO2 is the latest standard introduced by FIDO Alliance and combines two specifications: Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP). FIDO2 allows for passwordless authentication on web browsers and other platforms. It supports a variety of authentication methods, including biometrics, security keys, and mobile devices. FIDO2 is designed to provide a seamless and secure user experience across different devices and platforms.

The FIDO standards aim to improve security, privacy, and usability by reducing reliance on passwords and introducing stronger authentication methods. By leveraging public-key cryptography and standardized protocols, FIDO enables interoperability between different devices, platforms, and online services, making it easier for users to authenticate securely without passwords.